From Spirit With Love – Part 12
It’s not often that I can go out to individual homes to give sittings, but one reason for doing so is when someone has no means of transport and would otherwise miss the opportunity of having a sitting. Now that I was driving it was easier to help where possible.
I was invited to the home of Judy one afternoon, who hoped that her husband would come through to let her know that he had made it safely to the Spirit World. Having passed fairly recently he had already been around her in her everyday life, but she now felt ready to have that extra contact with him if it was possible.
Over a period of time Judy had three sittings with me and this chapter is put together using information from each one. Having given such clear evidence during each sitting, her husband gave a full picture of himself.
Judy showed me to her comfortable lounge in her neat semi- detached house and it was obvious that a lot of love had been shared between her and her husband.
I could feel that he was very much with us, and as we settled down and had the usual chat about the sitting, I sensed that a man with a lot of love for Judy was anxious to make a start.
‘Now then Judy, I have a man here that passed with cancer, particularly up in this area’ My hand was pressed to my chest.
‘That’s right’ Judy answered cautiously, clearly feeling a little nervous.
He told me that she’d had a stiff neck and that he had been massaging it at night before she went to sleep. Judy had been aware of this and had slept well as a result. My attention was drawn to a framed photograph on the wall of a slim, smartly dressed man with greying hair that swept back neatly. His pleasant, boyish face portrayed a personality that loved life and had a lot of warmth to give to others. I instinctively knew that it was him
‘He has Eric with him ‘ Judy lit up like a firefly ‘That’s my Dad!’
Eric told me that he’d had a heart attack and gave an accurate description of himself. There was a special relationship between Judy and her father and he just wanted her to know that he was looking after her.
Her husband came back in on the vibration and he talked about the time he had worked as an engineer at Perkins Engines, showing me all of his tools, but his real love was the railways and the work he used to do on the tracks with Judy’s father. For some of the sitting he was becoming frustrated because he couldn’t get across to me what he wanted to say. He mentioned John, his stepson and Judy’s brother, Ken, who he thought was working too hard and was constantly tired. I did ask several times if he could give us his name, but he would always move onto another subject.
Hopes And Dreams
It can be difficult for Spirit to get their name across to the medium, and usually, unless it’s called out loud and clear I won’t even attempt to give it. People set a lot of store by the name of the spirit, but I feel that while it’s nice to have that, it’s also important to have accurate details of the spirit person. From an evidential point of view a name can be anyone. Having spent time explaining this to his wife, the name of Pete was called out.
Judy smiled fondly ‘That’s his name’ These spirit people do lead me a merry dance sometimes!
‘Now he’s singing to me… He’s singing Delilah!’
‘Oh God yes’ she groaned, her eyes rolling upwards.
‘He’s so lovely, he would sing anything, and not just in the bath’
‘He’s now telling me that he sang at family gatherings and he loved to tell jokes, he’s a real entertainer!’ Judy’s smile was getting wider by the moment.
Pete then explained that he wanted to be a professional singer and that Judy had a tape recording of his voice that was kept in a cupboard. He wanted to make a demo tape but then the cancer was discovered.
‘Yes that’s right’
‘He’s comparing himself to Des O’Connor’
‘Oh, that’s an old joke between us, Pete liked him and I never did. He used to impersonate Engelbert and Tom Jones, but never Des!’ He recalled the year that he forgot Judy’s birthday and in his words `There was hell to pay!’ He also assured her that the other Scottie dog was with him in spirit and kept nipping Judy’s two living Scotties.
‘Oh, is that what’s wrong with them?’ she chuckled.
‘He’s just asked me to say `T.V licence’ You’ll know what he means’ Yet another smile.
‘Well I keep it on top of a book case and only yesterday I looked at Pete’s photo and thought I ought to move it before it gets lost’
He talked about his illness, his hopes and dreams, and although he was lively and entertaining in public, he was actually a very private man. He was also a powerful man who, since his passing, had taken Judy’s locket from her neck while she was sleeping and draped it over his framed photograph.
Spirit Knows (and Understands)
Judy had felt Pete near her so often but recently she thought he’d left her and couldn’t understand why. I explained to her that although he would want her to know that he was near, he would have to step back a little to allow her to grieve. This is so important, otherwise she wouldn’t move forward in her life. It‘s also possible that grieving can make someone less sensitive at times and they will not always feel that presence, even if it’s there. The other thing of course is that spirit people usually have a whole family that they wish to visit, and may have “nipped out” for a while.
In a recent sitting Pete described through words and pictures that the florist had messed up the order with his funeral flowers. Judy had ordered an arrangement of Madonna Lilies in a diamond shape to place over his coffin. When the flowers arrived there was only a small bunch of white lilies and chrysanthemums which barely covered the middle of it. Judy had been terribly upset at this, having asked friends and relatives to give donations only. Pete told her that she mustn’t worry, it wasn’t her fault, and he’d been standing beside her when she rang the florists to complain. The florist was so rude that Pete felt like throttling her! It was a weight off her mind.
He told me that she had been clearing out the cupboards and had been looking at the old green photo album while looking over her shoulder and was also pleased that she’d done some decorating. He then chatted some more about the family’s life in general, just to let them know that he loved them all very much and is always only a thought away.
I have met some lovely spirit people through sittings I’ve given and Pete was a very lovely man who I felt privileged to meet.
Next time: Paula
Donna Stewart Copyright 2018
Hello Donna
Wonderful validation. I have old friends in Peterborough, Pete and Judy and he worked at Perkins. Their surname is Holt can you please let me know if Pete is the man who passed?
Hi Ann,
I have just noticed your message and please accept my huge apologies for not replying sooner.
The surname of Pete and Judy was not Holt so hopefully you will see your lovely friends again, if not already.
Thank you for reading my blog and taking the time to leave a message.
Love Donna x