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May 25, 2016

Development Training In Mediumship? Do We Need it?

Development Training In Mediumship? Do We Need it?

Almost 20 years ago I remember arriving at my first mediumship development class like a rabbit in the headlights.

For years I had been inundated with thoughts, feelings, images and premonitions that had finally spiraled out of my control.

Having never knowingly met a medium or attended a Spiritualist gathering, I knew I needed to find a way to ‘turn off’ the noise and go back to the embers of memories that were my perception of ‘normal’ life.

A life where I could once again sleep at night without the changing seas of faces peering at me in my mind, leaving me exhausted in the morning, A life without feeling the constantly changing emotions of others and premonitions that often worried me for days, leading up to events that I could do nothing about.

On arriving in a total state of perplexity the class Tutor told me that I was ‘a natural medium’ and with support and guidance I could give help and comfort to those who were bereaved and looking for answers to their questions.

Over the 17 years that I’ve been teaching spiritual development I’ve heard many comments and thoughts about the whether or not It’s necessary to have training for mediumship and psychic development.

‘I’m A Natural Medium – Do I Need Training?’

Mediumship Development Training, Donna Stewart

We are all born with psychic sensitivity which is the spiritual blueprint for everyone whether or not it’s recognised.

Some call it a hunch, some call it a feeling and some call it coincidence but part of our spiritual self is having that knowing that can tell us when we need to call a friend  take a left turn instead of a right, stay or go, leave earlier or later than planned and always with a reason for doing so.

Which is why you may have a text or e-mail from the person you are messaging as you are writing it, or have an incoming call from the person you’ve been thinking of at the same or similar time.

What was very clear to me all those years ago was that although I was a natural medium, I had no control over when or how the messages came or how to share them with others.

Under the expert guidance of Maureen Murnan, now one of the UK’s leading Spiritual Teachers,  I learned to understand, manage and direct the messages from Spirit, and later to guide others in their own mediumship development. I learned to appreciate the value of good quality training.

The ESF ‘Extra Sensory Factor’ Is Stronger In Some Than Others.

There are many different reasons why some people are more sensitive than others. Someone who is more open to having that extra awareness of the world and people around them may take greater notice of the pulses when they happen.

Personal beliefs can also affect the sensitivity of awareness, Someone who feels it’s not possible to have that extra knowing may think it’s in their imagination or dismiss the thoughts and feelings completely.

Other influences such as health, how busy we are, how observant we are also reasons why the sending and receiving of energy thoughts can vary. Everyone is different and so is their connection.

So How Can Development Training Help?

Being psychic and mediumistic is a natural ability but good development training is essential, especially for those who wish to work publicly.

During mediumship development the student mind and energy is fine-tuned to receive information more clearly with confidence and an awareness of how to deliver the information to a recipient with sensitivity, responsibility and empathy and in a way that is recognised and understood.

We also need to understand our own energy, how it works and how to maintain it.  Managing energy is the first vital stage of development as the source of all communication.

If your energy is in a good place, so will your mediumship be. Many of the challenges of the developing psychic or medium can often be easily overcome with a little energy ‘knowhow’.

Under Every Good House Is A Great Foundation!

Think of your energy as a Psychic Muscle.

If a muscle is worked and managed it remains strong and supporting. Left unattended it will become weaker and connections will become less clear.

Mediumship development and training is like taking your Psychic Muscle to the gym for clear and precise information, increased confidence and awareness of not only your own energy, but the energy of others and Spirit.

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  1. Donna
    Naturally I am i nterested in development. However if only you had a CD course I would jump on the waggon
    Have you or are you Developing a CD Course.? Because of politics at home! I can do it no other way.
    The readings you gave me are wonderful and have opened a new world to me. I know i am reasonably pyschic but want to go further. There is a lot of home opposition.
    Hope to contact you again for another reading in December.
    My great thanks to you


  2. Hi John,

    Thank you for reading my blog and there will be courses available going forward as a download and possibly a CD that you will be able to study with. As soon as these are available I will let you know!



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